Crisis Management
Evacuation Procedures
Shelter in Place
Fire Emergency
Medical Emergency
Bomb Threat
Biological, Chemical and Radiological Event
Power Failure
Severe Weather
Criminal Acts
Chapter Overview
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Crisis Management: This section outlines the procedures to handle a crisis.

Evacuation Procedures: This section outlines the evacuation procedures.

Shelter in Place: This section provides information regarding shelter in place.

Fire Emergency: This section provides instruction on what to do if a fire occurs at 500 New Jersey Avenue.

Medical Emergency: This section provides instructions on what actions to take if there is a medical emergency.

Bomb Threat: This section provides tenants with procedures for handling a bomb threat.

Biological, Chemical and Radiological Event: This section provides life safety information should a chemical, biological or radiological attack occur in Washington, DC.

Power Failure: This section provides information on what will happen should a power failure occur at 500 New Jersey Avenue.

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